
Design is thinking made visual

“Images convey the unsaid”

Images are a powerful way of communication. The story of images started when ancient men created cave paintings as a way to express their thoughts and feelings. It is said that an image is worth a thousand words, which is true, because images can highly influence our emotions. As human brains are wired in such a way that interpretation of image is much easier than interpreting text, brands nowadays focus on visuals rather than texts for better and instant communication.

Visual design is a modern form of storytelling!

A thoughtful visual design can deliver meanings, which words or languages often fail to express. It unlocks a different part of our brain that allows us to think nonverbally. The most important thing is that our story is conveyed to the users through images by combining a strong plot, emotional connection and a clear vision. So, a graphic designer can engage his or her audience just as much as a good novel can. 

A good graphic designer will be aware of how a human brain perceives visuals. They come up with a great visual hierarchy which attracts the user more effectively. For a rightful impact of the visuals on the viewers, the imagery must be simple and hierarchically aligned. Use of hierarchy principles such as size & scale, color & contrast, typographic hierarchy, spacing and proximity, to name a few, helps to establish each element of the image in its rightful place and also ensures the important elements stand out. Similarly, the choice of visual imagery is as important as the visual hierarchy. If we don’t choose the right imagery, it will lead the user to misinterpretations, which needs to be avoided. 


However, visuals or imagery is an inevitable part of branding as it helps the audience to remember and recollect the information more effectively than mere words. Hence, ‘visual design is the most effective way of communication’ remains to be an undeniable truth!
